Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover

Curriculum Vitae is Latin for “course of life” and is often shortened to CV. CVs detail important information on a candidate’s professional and academic experience, skills, and goals. Reviewing them is an important first step in understanding the candidate, but it doesn’t provide a complete picture of who they are or how well they might fit your role. Conducting an interview offers significant insights that a CV cannot provide. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of an interview:

  1. A Holistic Assessment

Resumes and CVs are crucial in the hiring process, yet they seldom capture a candidate’s true potential. They may detail general skills and experience but often do not effectively communicate how effectively these skills can be applied to a role. An interview allows you to better assess a candidate’s knowledge, assets, and task-based skills that may not be adequately explained on paper. An interview will allow you to get answers to questions that a CV cannot explain such as:

  • Can you elaborate on your skillset for this role?
    • How have you met your goals in the past?
    • What is your experience in this field?
    • How have you contributed to a team environment in the past?

The best way to understand a candidate’s experience level, skillset, and qualifications is by having an open discussion with them in an interview. This provides both you and the candidate with the best opportunity to understand each other and the responsibilities of the position. Don’t trust that the CV is a candidate’s complete story!

  1. Evaluating Interpersonal Skills

An interview is the most effective way to assess a candidate’s interpersonal skills, which cannot be conveyed through a CV. Skills such as communication, attitude, creativity, and maintaining a professional demeanor can be demonstrated and observed during an interview, providing a clearer understanding of the candidate’s abilities in these areas. Take note of the interpersonal skills a candidate displays that cannot be learned from a CV, such as their:

  • Communication
    • Attitude
    • Active listening
    • Professionalism
    • Accountability

A candidate’s attitude and professionalism are good indicators of their seriousness about the position’s responsibilities. How they conduct themselves and explain their qualifications can provide great insights into how they will work in a team and meet their goals. A bland CV is not an indicator that the candidate is not an energetic and goal-oriented worker, and an interview is the best way to find out.

  1. Real-Time Answers

An interview allows you to assess a candidate’s potential by getting real-time clarification on your questions. It is the quickest way to clear up or elaborate on parts of a candidate’s CV that may not fully reveal their skillset or experience level. You also will be able to clarify a candidate’s question immediately, making interviews vital in truly understanding a candidate. Getting immediate feedback in an interview will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what a candidate can bring to the role.

A CV cannot give you clarification on a candidate’s experience, skills, or goals. Only an interview can provide immediate answers to the questions you have. It is important to let the candidate explain their qualifications for a position in an interview and NOT a thorough CV or resume.

“Don’t judge a book by its cover” applies to CVs and resumes as well. These documents cannot convey the full depth of a candidate’s experience or professionalism. It is crucial to remember how insightful interviews can be in assessing a candidate’s potential. Since a CV cannot fully explain the depth of a candidate’s skills and experience, it’s important to conduct interviews to reveal their true qualifications. By keeping these insights in mind, you can better understand each candidate and select the best fit for your role.

Vitus Search Group brings over 50 years of combined staffing experience, ready to assist in every aspect of the hiring process. Our dedicated team thoroughly vets hundreds of resumes and CVs, referring only the top candidates for you to interview and find the perfect fit for any role. We are committed to making the hiring process as smooth as possible by streamlining candidate referrals and interview setups. If you are a candidate, our team can help prepare you for interviews, ensuring you effectively communicate your skills and experience to secure your ideal job.

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